Monday, December 26, 2011

50/52 Me on Christmas Eve

50/52 Me on Christmas Eve, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

and I am wearing the beautiful diamond earrings my husband just gave me. Picture was taken by my husband

Saturday, December 24, 2011

52/52 my family

52/52 my family, originally uploaded by dettaowens.
It's what really matters. I made it all the way through, all 52 weeks. Merry Christmas everyone. FYI, this picture was taken using my remote. Have you ever tried to get a 2 year old to look at a camera when there is no one behind it? haha

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

50/52 Oh Christmas tree

50/52 Oh Christmas tree, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

playing with lights and slow shutter speeds. this is my entry for festive colors this week

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


49/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

the traditional picture taken under the Christmas tree

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

butterfly sparkle 48/52

butterfly sparkle 48/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

This week's theme is sparkle. I've always wanted to try this. It was pretty fun

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011


44/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

I stopped at the water gardens on my home from the Stock Yards on Sunday morning

Monday, November 7, 2011


43/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

This picture was taken in downtown Waxahachie while I was on a scrapbook retreat weekend with some girlfriends.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

the "fall" me. 42/52

the "fall" me. 42/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

love my blue jean jacket. Wearing it is one of my favorite parts of chilly weather

Monday, October 10, 2011

39/52 Old Bedford School

39/52 Old Bedford School, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

52 week project
self portrait

I went to Austin this weekend to take my daughter's engagment photos. They turned out great but I got so hot and sweaty that I was not about to take my own picture. I planned to get up on Sunday morning before we left to take one in an "Austiny" place but it was pouring rain and rained the entire 3 hours home so, today, I went to a historical site in my own town and took my picture. I am really trying to learn to use my flash and I like the way this turned out. I am in the shade of a very large tree with the sun behind me so I used my flash to light myself up.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

old books 40/52

old books 40/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

The theme for this week's project 52 was a taste for vintage. I decided to stop in at an antique store near my office. I was told they had just received a large shipment of antique furniture and accessories from the French countryside. I asked permission to take pictures and they graciously obliged. I was delighted that several rooms had skylights and that the front of the shop had a great large window. The light was great and I was able to take pictures without flash at 400 ISO.

Monday, October 3, 2011

embracing my laugh lines 38/52

I took this one in my garage. I wanted to emphasize the laugh lines around my eyes so I took my glasses off.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

2011 09 23_0287_edited-1

2011 09 23_0287_edited-1, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

taken at Bicentennial Park in Southlake. Used the pop up flash on my camera as I was standing in the shade with my back to the sun.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The eyes have it 38/52

The eyes have it , originally uploaded by dettaowens.

Poor baby was sick this past week with pneumonia. He is feeling better but was only slightly cooperative while I was positioning him in front of the window to get his picture

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

on our way to Matt's wedding 34/52

I set up the tripod in the front yard and subjected my husband to shots taken with the remote before we left for my nephew's wedding.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

where the shoes reside 35/52

where the shoes reside 35/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

This week's theme is lazy. In our house, the shoes come off as soon as we walk in the door. Sometimes, we let them pile up quite high before we put them away. My original plan was to shoot the pile of shoes inside the door but I liked the texture of my husband's work boots. The wear and tear on them actually shows me he is anything but lazy when it comes to his job. I love my hard working man.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Me on Monday 8/29

Me on Monday 8/29, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

I had a hard time thinking of something to do this week and then i saw the pinwheel on the table. It's a good thing I've been lazy this week and not cleared off the dining room table. haha

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's me on Sunday night 8/21

It's me on Sunday night 8/21, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

Taken on the steps of Bedford City Hall on Sunday evening as the sun was starting to go down. I was having trouble getting myself in focus and finally had to break out the flash when it got just a tad too dark in the shade.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

This week's read 31/52

This week's read 31/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

This week I read John Grisham's The Confession. It is a very thought provoking novel concerning the death penalty.

Photo Albums 33/52

Photo Albums 33/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

This week's theme is slow down, look back. I have photo albums dating back to the first year of our marriage in 1977. I love it when the kids and the grandkids pull them out, curl up on the couch and go through them.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Favorite time of the day 32/52

Home from work. cold drink next to my recliner. newspaper and words with friends on the phone. I'm set for the evening.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Me on Monday 8/8 30/52

2011 08 08_9496_edited-1, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

Playing with combined window and artificial light. I am facing the window and the overhead lights are on in the room. I used the incandescent white balance setting

Thursday, August 4, 2011

under the blazing texas sun 31/52

We have had weeks of record breaking heat. I wanted sunset pictures but it has been staying over 100 degrees even after dark.

Monday, August 1, 2011

It's me again, 29/52

It's me again, 29/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

Just a simple one taken on my front porch again. My session with balloons at the park was a bust. haha

Sunday, July 24, 2011

No face this week 28/52

No face this week 28/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

Just my D-90 and me. I pulled out the D40x to take this picture at Doug Russell Park on the UTA campus after class on Saturday.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday morning on the deck at Mom's 27/52

I spent a lot of time at my Mom's this week while she recuperated from surgery on Monday. I took this out on her deck this morning.

Sunflower 29/52

Sunflower 29/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

Get in close. I found this in a yard a couple of blocks from my house. I got close by going into their yard. No one came out to chase me away so I guess it was okay. haha

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's me swinging 26/52

It's me swinging 26/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

Curtis was napping so I took my tripod and camera to the park around the corner and did some swinging. I got a few with my feet in focus when they were out in front of me but few with my face very sharp. It was fun, though.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nature's Finest 27/52

Nature's Finest 27/52, originally uploaded by dettaowens.

and they smell good, too. These are in my neighbor's yard across the street. She has an entire bed full of them.

Friday, July 1, 2011

It's me in black and white 25/52

My goal for this picture was to catch the lines of light shining through the fence in my backyard as the sun was going down.